Short philosophy of confidence

Confidence is a trainable skill. You just need practice, a supportive environment and the most important part: you need soul, you need to believe in yourself.

My experience

Almost two weeks ago I started a challenge to improve my confidence. Basically, in this time, I have analyzed my behavior regarding confidence.

Daily routine

On a day by day basis try to follow good habits, habits that will increase your level of self esteem. I found a pretty nice list of good habits here. Plus there are hundreds of articles out there which will help you out.

What to do in bad days?

Either meditate, read a book or article about it or try whatever mechanism you have to put yourself back on tracks. Life is moving fast and you have to fix your bad day as soon as possible.

Negative environment

If you don’t feel good with the people around you: acquaintances, friends, family, then just leave them for now. In order to stop that negativity you have to find out what creates it, then you have to find ways to stop it growing. If you don’t solve this problem as soon as possible, it will just keep growing bigger.

Follow your dreams

Nobody will do this for you. Stand up and do what you think is best for you and do this in a manner to respect your principles. Be confident about who you are.

Follow your dream!
Photo by Kym Ellis on Unsplash